
China ho tsoela pele ho fokotsa leoto la tšepe la khabone

Chaena e tla tsoa le leano la ts'ebetso haufinyane ho ntšetsa pele phallo ea kh'abone ea indasteri ea tšepe naheng eo, mokhatlo oa liindasteri o holimo o boletse ka Laboraro.

Ho latela China Iron and Steel Association, mohato ona o ile oa tla kamora hore naha e ikane hore e tla phahamisa tlhahiso ea eona ea khabone ka 2030 le ho fihlela ho se nke lehlakore ha khabone pele ho 2060, e le karolo ea boiteko bo pharalletseng ba ts'ireletso ea tikoloho bo nahanang ka phokotso ea khabone liindastering tse kang samente.

Qu Xiuli, motlatsi oa hlooho ea CISA, o re China e tla akofisa ts'ebeliso ea matla a seng a feme ka indastering ea tšepe, haholo ts'ebeliso ea haedrojene e le mafura, ha e ntse e ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea lisebelisoa tse tala le motsoako oa matla. Lintlafatso tse ling litheknoloji le lits'ebetso tsa tlhahiso ea tšepe li tla etsoa ho bebofatsa litšitiso tsa phokotso ea tlhahiso ea khabone.

Naha e tla khothaletsa lik'hamphani tsa tšepe ho amohela nts'etsopele ea botala ho pholletsa le bophelo ba sehlahisoa, ha e ntse e khothaletsa ka matla moralo oa lihlahisoa tsa tšepe hara lihlahisoa tsa tšepe, hammoho le ts'ebeliso ea lihlahisoa tse matla, tse telele le tse ka nchafatsoang lekaleng le tlase.

Ntle le moo, ka ho shebana le meaho ea sechaba metseng e meholo, naha e tla potlakisa le ho phahamisa mahlale a kaho ea tšepe ho tsebisa batho ka ts'ebeliso ea tšepe e tala.

"Steel ke e 'ngoe ea likarolo tsa bohlokoa bakeng sa ho fokotsa moea o tsoang moeeng selemong sena," ho boletse Qu.

"Ho potlakile ebile ho bohlokoa haholo hore indasteri e tsoele pele ho fokotsa matla le ts'ebeliso ea lisebelisoa le ho etsa tsoelo-pele e kholo ntlafatsong e tlase ea khabone."

Lintlha tse tsoang mokhatlong li bonts'a hore indasteri e fihletse lintlafatso tse ling mabapi le ts'ebeliso e ntle ea matla le lisebelisoa selemong se fetileng.

Karolelano ea matla a sebelisitsoeng molemong oa tšepe e ngoe le e ngoe ea tšepe e hlahisoang ke likhoebo tsa tšepe e ne e lekana le li-kilogram tsa 545.27 tsa mashala a tloaelehileng selemong se fetileng, e le liperesente tsa 1.18 selemo le selemo.

Phepelo ea metsi bakeng sa thane e 'ngoe le e' ngoe ea tšepe e hlahisitsoeng e theohile ka liperesente tsa 4.34 selemo le selemo, ha tlhahiso ea sulfur dioxide e theohile ka liperesente tsa 14.38. Sekhahla sa ts'ebeliso ea li-slags tsa tšepe le khase ea coke se eketsehile selemo le selemo, leha e le hanyane.

Qu o re China e tla matlafatsa le boiteko ba liphetoho tsa sebopeho sa phepelo, ho kenyeletsoa ho latela ka tieo melao ea "swaps capacity", kapa ho thibela ho eketsoa ha matla afe kapa afe a macha ntle le hore ho tlosoe palo e kholo ea bokhoni ba khale, ho netefatsa kholo e kholo ea bokhoni bo seng molaong.

O itse naha e tla khothaletsa ho kopanya le ho reka ho etelletsoeng pele ke lik'hamphani tse kholo tsa tšepe ho theha linatla tse ncha tsa tšepe tse nang le tšusumetso mebarakeng ea tikoloho.

Mokhatlo o boetse oa hakanya hore tlhoko ea tšepe ea China e tla nyoloha hanyane selemong sena, ka lebaka la melaoana e tsitsitseng ea moruo o bopiloeng ke taolo e sebetsang ea naha ea seoa sa COVID-19 le kholo e tsitsitseng ea kholo ea moruo.

Ho 2020, China e hlahisitse lithane tse fetang limilione tse likete tse 1,05 tsa tšepe e sa jeoang, e nyolohileng ka liperesente tsa 5.2 selemo le selemo, ho latela National Bureau of Statistics. Ts'ebeliso ea 'nete ea tšepe e eketsehile liperesente tsa 7 ho 2020 ho tloha selemong se fetileng, tlhaiso-leseling e tsoang ho CISA e bontšitse.



Nako ea poso: Feb-05-2021